Sunday, July 19, 2009

Off to England

Due to the timewarp of having 5 hours of jetlag and 2 days of wedding, I'll have to transport us back in time to they day of my departure: 07/16/2009:

The shuttle is 45 mins late, but no worries. I'm off to jolly England! I've taken the day off, so my whole morning has been spent freting about what I have left behind. Between bouts of paover forgetting my pants or fearing that I had only packed one brown shoe, I managed to take in the old classic: 'Honey I Blew Up the Kid" . Somehow, Rick Moranis' hijinks are a great stress reliever.

When the shuttle arrived, I tipped my hat to Don Harrington (DH) who wished me to take his guardian angel with him. DH is a kind-hearted soul but is errily reminiscent of the old child-'enthusiast' from Family Guy. It must have been casual Thursday, as he was not wearing his uniform plaid shirt.

The degree of bustle at the airport was unexpected. Apparently, lots of people travel from Dulless on Thursday in July. One poor family I saw dragging 4 kids and 8 big moving boxes onto a plane to Spain. And I certainly won't forget the Harley-Davidson stereotype complaining about all the 'foreigners'.

I just had to keep reminding myself that sleep is only an hour away; that I would be magically transported to England and would emerge from the plane yawning and stretching, but bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for my rendevous with Marcus and Eddie, my old high school cohorts.

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